

So why do I want to start a blog about running with my dog? Well, for starters I have a deep emotional connection with the process of running. Unfortunately, when things become hard and I find myself in a dark place, running is the first thing to go. Why is that? I hope I’m not the only one who loses sight of the things I love when I’m going through a hard time. It’s a terrible habit that I think if I can break, then I will find the hard times a little easier to cope with.

Secondly, I think there are many other doggy “parents” out there who want to run with their dogs but aren’t quite sure how to go about it. Hell, neither am I really. Even when I scour the internet for running with your dog ideas, I see enough to think “meh, better not.” Truly I think the bond between a person and their dog should be something special, something we build on just like we do any other relationship in our lives because often times we are our dog’s entire world. We mean everything to them. I believe it’s important to give them the highest quality of life that we can and make them feel equally special.

Which brings me to running. What’s more natural to a dog than running? Well, maybe hunting or barking but that’s beside the point. We want to connect with our little furball and there’s no better way to do so than to let go of all the modern conveniences and just get out there and share something innate and instinctive. (Alright alright I’m starting to sound a tad crazy but you get my idea- inspired yet?)

So, who are we exactly? I’m Ash, and my running partner is a Siberian Husky named Dakine.

Alright, let’s start this thing.